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2016 Recap… Favorite’s and Life changing ,A look back💕

2016 Recap.. Favorite’s and Life Changing… A look back💕

NYFW Red carpet event @ Inglot Studio
NYFW a bucket list dream and being able to share with my sister
One of Our Boutiques that I carefully designed and created!
Fox 13 News A Fashion Segment on “The Place”
Ritz Carlton St.Thomas ,20 year wedding anniversary
Getting Back to my Bikini body…
My men on a Family Trip to Santa Barbara
Homeless bags, giving more and accomplishing more random act of kindness
Becoming the Model for the shop

As 2016 came to a end I needed to Share some of my greatest memories, Accoplishments and life changers… 2016 was a big year of change for me in Many ways from health, business and lifestyle.

I have loved Fashion & interior design since I was a little girl Designing Barbies Dream house and Building her wardrobe. So of course I have dreamed of going to New York Fashion Week since I was a little girl. It was a dream come true to exsperience this & being able to share with my sister made it icing on the cake. ( read about our Trip here)

Making Changes in business….my husband and I have owned Chic Style clothing boutique for 7 years. It’s been a dream, Hard work, reaching goals, long Hours, lost family time, big learning lessons ( good & bad) building wonderful relationship and helping woman look and feel good…. We built to 3 stores a website and a monthly Subscription business in this time with a goal of 5 shops… Lots of Prayers and some bumps ,we were on our way to the 5 and along the way ( and more prayers) our goals changed…. We realized Bigger isn’t better, Work smarter not harder and Our family was growing up to Fast and were missing it! We down sized Now to Our 1 South Ogden shop a website and our subscription box. We have other dreams we are wanting to accomplish (which we will share soon) we are Happy with our dession’s ( don’t think tears weren’t shed and some heartache felt, even some failure thought) But as time went on we knew we made the right choices. Because of the choices we made in 2016 we were able to spend more time with Our boys, go on vacations, devote more time with God and I believe where on the right path for 2017 in business and life. Thank you for supporting us and sharing us on our journey as small buisness owners💕 ( more one our Buisness story here)

A business goal achieved…. Making it on Fox 13 News with a fashion segment on (The Place) was a big goal achieved with the help of my friend Jen Berns I got a call to do my first tv spot and was lucky enough for it to have gone well that I got asked back In November and looking forward to two more segements in January and February. I know God had his had in this and believe me I am counting my blessings🙏🏻

20 years of Marriage is My biggest accomplishment of 2016, I am Lucky to be Married to a man I adore , My best friend, who shares the same values and supports my goals. Being married 20 years has been truly easy to this loving & easy going man. We celebrated with a first class Trip and our First ever vacation with out our kids (our trip post here) to The Ritz Carlton St. Thomas and then off with 8 of our friends on a private yacht to tour the BVI’s truly a trip of a life time. Wishing I was planing this trip again it was so fabulous! Almost a “pinch me” is it real kind of trip!

I shared my Health , Hormone and weight challenge with you several post back (read here) I finally got answers, felt better and got my bikini body back, not perfect in any way and still working on it but at least I feel like I can be seen in a bathing suit again😘 ( this is a big deal to a girl who loves the beach and her Sunday lake day’s)

My men❤️ What I live for …. I couldn’t imagine my life with out them! Because of our Buisness choices this year , we were able to have more time to share as a family and go on some much need vacation ‘s. 2016 was the First time I ever made a list of resolution ( I will share my 2016 list with you & the results in the next week) 1 of my resolutions was to getaway more & travel. I really wanted to go somewhere every month, even if it was a little weekend getaway ! Resolution achieved✔️ It made the year so enjoyable I made it be a 2017 resolution as well! It is life changing and really is worth taking the time to make a break a priority. Fun family bonding and great memories made.

My Family and I try to give back and help others. 2016 I made another Resolution to Give back more, help more and come up with more Randome acts of kindness. We were able with the help of Many Family & friends to reach our Goal of 200 Homeless giving bags (we achieved 212) Next year our goal is 500. I will be doing a post on our details of what’s in our bags and our process this month so stay tuned. As for our Random Acts of Kindness … I am a Junior league Member and this year one of the members came up with a challenge, which was perfect because I was already thinking of ideas to put into play… With a their challenge I was given 50 cards to attach Random acts too and pass out…. What a joy to see the look on people’s faces. It really does make your life better to be able to GIVE❤️ If you want to see what I did check out my Instagram @darcyvandenberg to see the post.

Owning a Boutique, selling clothes is the main part of our Buisness. I realized what ever I wear in our shops I sell out of. A light went on ( yes it only took 6 years) I need to Model the clothing and post the new arrivals. I did think of it Earlier but honest I didn’t have the time to model and set up shoots with 3 shops. One of the positive things to come out of down sizing and boy has it helped sales. People having been loving it and comment how much they love the change. Happy I could use some tips from my old modeling days and my hubby is a decent photographer.

I hope you enjoyed my recap of 2016, I love sharing with you my Top 9 ❤️D’Arcy